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I’m interested in your book! Can you send me a free copy?I’m so glad to hear you’re interested in my book. Unfortunately due to the cost of shipping, I don’t give out physical copies. However, if you’d like free eBooks I’d urge you to follow me on my social media and join my Newsletter because I open applications for my Street Team and look for ARC readers. If you are able, my books are available to be requested at any and all local libraries.
Will you have hardbacks for your books?As of right now I have no plans to have my work in Hardback format.
How many books will be in the Rancho Los Corazones series?There will be 5 or 6 books total in the whole series and each book will follow one of the Aguila-Gutierrez members.
How many books will be in Los Diablos MC series?As of right now, I have around 8 books planned in the MC series. Give or take a few.
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